
December 17, 2013

Fog in Noida

Fog in Noida, December 2013
Fog in Noida, December 2013

Winter has finally arrived! The city is enveloped in fog early in the morning. As I lifted the curtains in the morning I was greeted with a white sheet of dense fog. Felt the temperature drop already in the night. There were brave souls who would hazard a walk on the roads in the wee hours for the sake of health. The little children transformed into smoking dragons as they waited for their school bus. Cuppa coffee here I come! 

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  1. The season of dread has arrived...!!!
    Get Set Go with a cuppa coffee..

    1. Veena the most I don't like about winters is the dreary and gloomy days without sunshine :(

  2. Replies
    1. Yup! The usual consequence of fog. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. yeah same is in delhi, gurgaon and faridabad...My friend and I share a joke on fog which goes like this- "The world has come to an end my friend. We are surrounded by the clouds of hell/heaven. Let's meet at the hell/heaven gates on Sunday and have Masala Dosa with Yam dev :p"

    1. Ha ha ha! Shilpi that's the spirit... Yam Dev definitely doesn't like sunny days..I am sure! He can not devour masala dosas with lovely ladies :)

  4. Fog !! Its takes more lives than Yamraj. In fog pron region, driving a car on a highways in nights is as dangerous as putting your foot on a resting cobra's tail to ascertain whether it is alive...


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