
December 07, 2013

Indian Armed Forces Flag Day Celebrated in Noida

The Armed Forces Flag Day or the Flag Day is dedicated towards collection of funds from people of India for the welfare of the Indian Armed Forces personnel. It has been observed annually in India on December 7 since 1949. Over the years, it has become a tradition to commemorate this day as an honor to the soldiers, airmen and sailors of India.

December 07 is observed as Armed Forces Flag Day in India since 1949
December 07 is observed as Armed Forces Flag Day in India since 1949 

District Sainik Board of Noida celebrated Armed Forces Flag Day on December 07, 2013, with hundreds of people gathering to commemorate bravery and supreme sacrifices of the soldiers and to collect fund from people for the welfare of armed forces personnel.
Armed Forces Flag Day Stamp
Armed Forces Flag Day Stamp
District Magistrate Hira Lal Gupta appealed to the public to contribute liberally for Armed Forces Flag Day fund. Flag Day gains more significance as it considers that it is the responsibility of the civilian population of India to take care of the families and dependents of the armed forces personnel who fight for the country.

An occasion to commemorate the bravery and supreme sacrifice of our soldiers and collect welfare funds
An occasion to commemorate the bravery and
supreme sacrifice of our soldiers and collect welfare funds

The contributions provide benefits to widows, disabled soldiers, ex-servicemen and serving personnel. The total number of people who would be benefited by this fund is over a crore. Industrial units, residents' body, and commercial associations have extended support and appealed to traders and industrialists and residents to contribute in fund raising.
Vice-President being pinned a flag on occasion of Armed Forces Flag Day
Photo: Newswala

A delegation of service officers and ladies from Kendriya Sainik Board pinned a token Flag Day lapel on Vice President Mohammad Hamid Ansari on the occasion of "Armed Forces Flag Day". He donated for Armed Forces Flag Day Fund. The Vice-President was presented a souvenir and a calendar prepared by Directorate General, Resettlement and Kendriya Sainik Board on the occasion.

Related Links

Know more about Armed Forces Flag Day Fund
Read the then Prime Minister of India, Jawahar Lal Nehru's message on the occasion of Armed Forces Flag Day dated December 07, 1954
Read ANI News Report on Kendriya Sainik Board team pins Flag Day lapel on Vice-President Mohammed Hamid Ansari

Source: PTI, ANI


  1. One mustn't forget!
    Great post for the occasion.

    1. Its our social responsibility to care for the bravehearts who are guarding our frontiers. Thanks for visiting Indrani.


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