Noida Traffic Police

Today the Electric Traffic Signal System has turned 101. First ever traffic signal of red and green lights was installed in Cleveland, Ohio, USA on August 05, 1914. This fact was dug out from the history annals and presented in an animated Google Doodle. Otherwise we would never have chanced upon this information. God bless Google Baba!

Noida Traffic Police

Taking this opportunity let us update you with certain facts about Noida Traffic Police Department. There are 105 traffic signals installed in Noida to regulate and manage traffic movement for a smoother commuting experience. The department has a task force of 172 personnel for better traffic management which includes 1 SP Traffic, 1 Traffic Inspector, 4 Traffic Sub-Inspector, 26, Havildar, 90 Constables and 50 Homeguards.

Noida Traffic Police has its presence on the popular social media channels as well. Recently the department has launched its Twitter handle on July 01, 2015. Their Facebook page already has a strong 3300plus likes. It also has a dedicated Whatsapp Helpline number 7065100100.

These social media channels provide a platform for meaningful engagement with local communities to share Traffic Regulations, Advisories and Alerts and get Traffic Issues, Suggestions and Complaints. Traffic Police also has an emergency helpline number 1073 to facilitate immediate assistance to commuters.

Noida Traffic Police Department, equipped with all these means, strives to make your commuting experience great on Noida roads. If you have any story to share about your road experience in Noida, do write to us or give your feedback in comments section below. In the meantime enjoy the Traffic Signal Doodle by Google!

Useful Links:
Read about launch of Whatsapp Helpline
Noida Traffic Police on Twitter
Noida Traffic Police on Facebook
Official Page of Noida Traffic Police

Image Source: Official Facebook Page of Noida Traffic Police

Disclaimer: The details provided in this blog are for information purposes only. Efforts have been made to check the veracity of these details. However, neither Noida Diary nor Bushra Muzaffar take any responsibility for any error or omission.

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